Writing for the Government
ENGL 436 SPRING 2022
A paper describing how the Virginia Department of Social Services qualifies as a discourse community based on John Swales’ 6 aspects defining discourse communities: goals, mechanisms, information and feedback, genres, lexis, and threshold of members.
ENGL 436 SPRING 2022
A federal resume created to demonstrate the use and importance of KSAs in federal resumes. Resume has been tailored to best fit a real USAJobs job announcement:
STUDENT TRAINEE (Management Assistant)
Air Force Materiel Command
Announcement # : 9X22-11363653-510203-KLT
ENGL 436 SPRING 2022
A paper analyzing the white paper genre in relation to its use and significance in the distribution of Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) information.
ENGL 436 SPRING 2022
A prezi presentation expanding upon a pdf fact sheet containing information about Title VI rights and how to file a Title VI complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Completed as a group project.